Welcome to Morningstar's legacy. Here we can remember her, and carry on her blog legacy.
Sunday, September 25, 2022
Sunday, September 18, 2022
Sunday, September 11, 2022
Saturday, September 10, 2022
About Spike
About thirteen years ago my eldest fur-child came by to live with me. We (my first husband and I) adopted him from the local animal shelter, apparently he kept running away from where he was living. Of course I have no idea why he kept leaving - all I know is that aside from a few “walkabouts” hé rarely wanted to leave my side after he came home.
Spike was my first dog, and he is the love of my life. My husband gets that- and he loves him just as much. But Spike also had a very special relationship with his Granny.
Mom used to live about a 15 minute walk from my house before we both moved out of Quebec, and when I went through my divorce Mom and I spent a lot of time together, and Spike bonded with his Granny. He would get so excited to see her that he would stop whatever he was doing and run to the front door when Granny arrived.
This caused a few “situations” - that I get to hold in my mind as fond memories.
When Spike was a puppy, he heard Granny’s voice in the house and as per usual he bolted from upstairs to the entranceway. He jumped (or tried to) into Granny’s arms, but missed and hit her face, breaking her glasses. We got them fixed really quickly but I can still remember being mortified that he did that.
Many many years later after training Spike not to jump on Granny ( and people in general), Mom was visiting my current home, with Sir Steve, and Spike heard his Granny, in fairness she did call him - and he ran down the stairs which happened to be parallel from our couch, so Spike ran down the stairs at full speed and lept from the stairs about 6-7 feet straight into Granny’s lap. She lived to tell the tale with maybe some sore muscles, but we would laugh about this for a long time.
While we were at the trailer, Spike who has great recall by this point, so we left him off his lead, would hear Granny talking at her trailer and just walk across the street and go for a visit. On more than one occasion we caught him walking over to get some good Granny love. He’d get some pets, then he’d lay on her feet and wait for me to come get him.
I remember him sitting by Mom on the bench by the fire pit, and she’d be giving him scritches behind his ears and whisper secrets.
Spike and his Granny were very close.
His health has been having some challenges since we lost Buffy last year. He developed cancer which we found out has spread to his lymph nodes, right around the time Mom got really really sick. We joked with Mom in the hospital that he was “trying to keep up with Granny”. A week later Mom died, and Spike had a major flare up of the tumor (Mast Cell tumor) and we were so sure he was going to die the same day as Mom.
Luckily he did not die, and we have had him with us through all the crazy stuff with Mom, her loss, the celebrations of her life, but he’s been slowly getting closer to the end.
I don’t know how much longer he will be with us, but I take some solace that he can go find his Granny (and Buffy) and wait for me to join them in time.
Wednesday, September 7, 2022
Back to School
Yesterday was back to school day for a significant portion of our province/country.
I have always loved back to school season, which starts in August with all the stores carrying the B2S (Back to School) supplies. Paper, pens, erasers, books, and binders - OH MY!
The best way to describe my joy is think of how much Morningstar loved Christmas, well that is how much JOY I get in the B2S season. I start singing this song every time I see a B2S display, in any store (not just Staples/Business Depot)
Click the image or copy the link into a browser
Sunday, September 4, 2022
Friday, September 2, 2022
Morningstar’s favourite child
So there has been a running joke in my family since my sister and I have been adults about who Mom loved most. We would joke when Mom did something nice for the other person that she “loved them more”.
As I got older, and essentially moved across the street from Mom for 5 months of the year (at the campground), I spent a lot of time with Mom, and Sir Steve. We (my husband and I) were invited to most of the events that happened for 5 months of the year at the trailer. Then we tried to see each other at least once a month for the other 7 months when we weren’t camping, because it felt weird not seeing them every week.
Because of this, my sister would jokingly say “Mom loves YOU more” - I didn’t argue about it, even though I knew Mom loved us both equally. I just got to spend more time with Mom in the last 5 years of her life, which kinda made up for the 5 years we didn’t talk at all.
One Christmas she gave my sister and I each a picture that said “I love you most” - except mine said “I love you mostest” so there was a lot of laughter that Christmas. Since then it was a family “joke” that I was the favourite.
However I came to learn after Mom got sick that her actual favourite was not me - it was my husband Rob.
When Mom went into hospital the first time she was allowed one visitor a day. Generally that was Sir Steve or myself that would go. But my sister and Morningstar’s brother went to see her - on those days we were not able to visit (COVID protocols). I felt lucky that we were able to go at all, so I didn’t complain. Rob would drive me to the hospital with the dogs and I would go and see Mom, and he would take the “monsters” for a long walk.
When Mom went home we went to visit her on Saturday mornings after golf. We would go golfing in the early morning, visit for an hour after that, and then get lunch and go back to the trailer (campground) where we spend our summers. Rob and I would sit with her in the living room and chat about, life, the universe and everything. Mom enjoyed those times with us I am sure. We would also bring treats! Like chocolate she liked, or lemon danishes (her favourite).
The second time that Mom was in hospital there could be two people at a time. I asked if Mom if it was ok if Rob came to visit too! That’s when I heard her voice perk up “Yes, I would like that a lot”. I smiled, I knew that they had a special bond, but it was at that moment I suspected that he was her “actual favourite.” Over the week she was in hospital we went to see her every night after work, and Rob would “fluff her pillows” - or more like try and help place the “pillows” or what passes for pillows in the hospital to allow for maximum comfort. One day I was trying to help her place the pillows and I was failing miserably. That’s when Rob stepped in and placed the pillows correctly. She BEAMED when he got it just right. She even declared that Rob was the best “fluffer” and “pillow placer” - and I said “That’s why he’s your favourite” and she just smiled. From then on Rob was responsible for the placement of her pillows - and I was dethroned as the “favourite child”.
Thursday, September 1, 2022
Dear Mom
Dear Mom,
I went to message you today, and like so many times before I remembered as I picked up my phone that you were gone. I thought maybe I could message you anyway, even if you didn’t reply - but figured it would freak out (Sir) Steve.
Really I just wanted to see how you were, and I am hoping that you are feeling amazing where you are, that you have the energy to clean and organize to your hearts content.
Are Gramma and Grampa with you? Are they helping you settle in?
Have you found Buffy? I miss her and I feel only mildly better that you will be with her, I still miss you. But that’s kind of how I am getting through you being gone. I like to imagine that you are sitting on the camping swing with Buffy sitting beside you, and your giving her skritches and whispering to her that I will be along soon. Did you know I couldn’t find a picture of you and her for your memorial? I have a picture with you and Spike, Willow and even Diesel - but none of Buffy.
Speaking of Spikey, he is going to come and stay with you soon, he is still having issues with his breathing and the tumour, and I know he will be happy to be with his Granny again.
We’ve been on vacation this week at the trailer, and a few times Spike walked over to your trailer looking for you. You are on everyone’s mind. Except maybe Diesel, he never got to know you at the campground. He likes to chase all the squirrels though, I think he honours his Granny in every squirrel he chases up a tree.
Rob is doing well - mostly. He misses your cookies and your talks.
I am going back to school on Monday, and as per my usual I am nervous and excited but I got my new school supplies and all my books and I am ready to get back into it!
Ok Mum, I have to go now, it’s dinner time and Rob is asking me to bring him BBQ sauce and set the table.
Wish you were here,
Sensory Overload or Company Holiday Parties
This weekend in addition to a major assignment, there was also the company Holiday party. No big deal right? The plan was to go, have some ...

This weekend in addition to a major assignment, there was also the company Holiday party. No big deal right? The plan was to go, have some ...
Hi Everyone! Welcome to Morningstar’s legacy. I am her eldest daughter - you can call me Dae. If you have been following my Mom for a while ...
Edit: Sir WT (in the comments) referred to the Story of O dress that Mom had made - it was not in her closet, and I don't think we will ...