Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Sensory Overload or Company Holiday Parties

This weekend in addition to a major assignment, there was also the company Holiday party. 

No big deal right? The plan was to go, have some dinner with the people I work with, and come back home and continue my assignment.

Which is more or less what happened. I planned the night, have a drink at the bar, a glass of wine with dinner, socialize a bit and go home. I had maybe 3 drinks over the period of 4 hours... I should have drank more... 

We arrived at the location for the party, and there were probably 5 other companies that were having their festivities in the same place. When we descended the stairs at what was essentially a convention center style part of the hotel, we were hit with a wall of noise. 

I went into IMMEDIATE sensory overload. I wanted to RUN back to the car and go home, order a pizza and put on my pyjamas and enjoy the peace and quiet of my home. 

In the before times (before COVID) I went out and socialized, but I drank a lot. But I socialized with people. Since the pandemic I have stopped drinking (as much) and I have more sensory issues with loud noises, and crowds. I'd like to blame COVID for everything - but alas this has always been an issue for me. My sister suggested that I get earplugs that dull the background noise like she bought for the littlest nephew (grandson) - guess where those were? AT HOME! The last time I used them was at the baseball stadium. I regret my decision to leave the house.

Needless to say I was not drunk or hungover after the party - I am however emotionally drained. I am not sure how long this will last but all I want to do is cuddle my dogs and husband and stay REALLY quiet.

At least there are no "Daemonyka Stories" of getting too drunk and doing something stupid (when I was in my twenties at a holiday party I got so drunk I changed clothes with one of the guys on my team in the bathroom) - but I did feel the need to apologize on Monday for being quiet/weird.

This summarizes it nicely:


  1. I can so empathise with you Dae. The timing of your post is funny because I had one of those days at work today. I haven't been back in the office that long after an extended period of working from home so people are annoying me with their habits and noise etc. Today was extremely bad noise wise. Non stop talking and laughing etc all day. I swear everyone was on something lol. It was deafening lol. I couldn't wait to get home to some peace and quit. Or at least noise of my own making.

    I do have hearing issues and am very sensitive to noise and find it hard to cope in noisy environments.


  2. Even as a teenager, I hated noisy nightclubs. They just had to be put up with, to go along with the crowd. I would not go to them now. Some noise is good, but when it changes from enhancing the atmosphere, to getting in the way of pleasant, human interaction, it is no longer tolerable.


  3. I guess " morningstar's legacy " is as dead as much as morningstar is, what a real shame she and her blog are gone forever :-( It was a good thought though....

  4. Just checking in to see how you and Morningstar's family are doing. I see that the infamous Sir W left his usual turd of a comment. Hope that didn't turn you off to writing here. I'll bet that many of your mom's readers still miss reading her blog, and really appreciate your own words here. Do you still see Steve's daughter? Hope she is doing okay.


Sensory Overload or Company Holiday Parties

This weekend in addition to a major assignment, there was also the company Holiday party.  No big deal right? The plan was to go, have some ...