Welcome to Morningstar's legacy. Here we can remember her, and carry on her blog legacy.
Sunday, October 30, 2022
Sunday Sentiments
Tuesday, October 25, 2022
Happy Birthday Morningstar
Today would have been Mom’s 72nd Birthday.
Please celebrate as you would see fit, but if you wanted to have Chinese food and vanilla birthday cake in honour of Mom - she would have loved that.
Sunday, October 23, 2022
Sunday Sentiments
Today I’m finishing up the final assignment for my course.
Tuesday, October 18, 2022
The Things We Leave Behind
For posterity I am adding a photo of it here:
This past weekend we went to Sir Steve's house and helped clean out Mom's things. I suspect that it is the first in a series of visits to help go through her things.
It was surreal to go through her jewelry and clothing, my sister, (not so) 'lil one and I had some good laughs and smiles as we were going through her things. Remembering moments with Mom, and there were no fights or arguments over who got what, or who wanted what. It was all very civilized, but also sad.
As Sir Steve and (not so) 'lil one would pull out armfuls of clothes and we would go through them. My sister and I don't need more clothes, so we spent a lot of time telling (not so) 'lil one to try stuff on. By the end she had piles and piles of clothing, actually we all did, and the rest was bagged up to go to charity. Mom had great taste in clothing, and shoes - I like to think I got my taste in fashion from her.
Here are a few things that I noted from the weekend:
- (not so) 'lil one wearing one of Mom's sweater wraps that I had given her for Christmas. Mom wore it all the time. She offered it to me, but I said no that she should keep it and snuggle into it when she misses Mom.
- I kept thinking about when I die, how many piles of clothing that will need to be sorted and donated. I have so many clothes, and shoes, and... and... It's going to take days to go through.
- That Mom can not be defined by a sum of the possessions she had. Over her last years she really had given away most of her stuff, Mom's legacy is really in the people that she left behind.
Sunday, October 16, 2022
Sunday, October 9, 2022
Sunday Sentiments (COVID EDITION)
Last week we (SIL and I) got the COVID.
Being sick makes you want your parents - and in my case specifically my Mom. My sister and I joke about needing Mom when we are sick if only to tell us to “get up” and “get on” with life. We simply hate being coddled - because while Mom was ALWAYS there when we were sick she also reminded us that we weren’t dying.
I was so sick though I could not even conjure her voice telling me to get up and get things done. I did hear the rarer soothing words from her though - you will live through this, and you’re not going to die… and once while I was vomiting (yes my COVID presentation included vomiting, fever, and a few other unpleasant things that SIL did not get) I did hear her say “you’re done vomiting, go brush your teeth and get back to bed”.
I’m just so glad she did not get this disease.
We’re on the mend now (although still not leaving the house for fear of infecting other people) hopefully we will be better enough to help go though her things next weekend with Sir Steve.
Have a great week ahead folks! I already know that no matter what next week will be better than the last one.
Sunday, October 2, 2022
Sunday Sentiments
Sensory Overload or Company Holiday Parties
This weekend in addition to a major assignment, there was also the company Holiday party. No big deal right? The plan was to go, have some ...

This weekend in addition to a major assignment, there was also the company Holiday party. No big deal right? The plan was to go, have some ...
Hi Everyone! Welcome to Morningstar’s legacy. I am her eldest daughter - you can call me Dae. If you have been following my Mom for a while ...
Edit: Sir WT (in the comments) referred to the Story of O dress that Mom had made - it was not in her closet, and I don't think we will ...